Ebook The Real Girl Kitchen Haylie Duff Books

Ebook The Real Girl Kitchen Haylie Duff Books

Product details

  • Age Range 12 and up
  • Grade Level 7 - 9
  • Paperback 240 pages
  • Publisher Razorbill (October 15, 2013)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1595146830

The Real Girl Kitchen Haylie Duff Books Reviews

  • I recently started following The Real Girl's Kitchen over the past few months after seeing Haylie on Home and Family tv show. I enjoy the blog and I love this book! The pictures are beautiful and the food recipes are healthy, simple and tasty. The ingredients would be quite easy to find if you live in sunny Southern CA but it is a little more difficult for me where I live. I will be substituting a handful of ingredients I do appreciate using fresh ingredients and I am excited to many of these recipes!
  • Haylie put her heart into the book as she does with everything she takes on. It is not a "me too" cookbook and she created most of the recipes herself. Yes, as her Dad ,I bought a number of them just like any Dad would do to support his daughter's work. I took one as a hostess gift last night to watch the OU / Baylor game and the book made the rounds among the guests all evening and now looks like an old veteran on her shelf. It was a big hit as each of the ladies raved about this recipe, and so on. .She text me that she appreciated me working the room for her! If you follow Haylie as an actor, you will get to know her even better through the book as each recipe has a story.She wrote every word, And, yes, It did not go over very well taking her to Hooters for wings ! Enjoy
  • Excellent take on a today cookbook. Well written, easy to find ingredients and just plain fun to use for the cookbook lover. Having been cooking for over 60 years it is also perfect for my 24 year old granddaughter, who is just learning to cook, (rather than take out)., A fun cookbook.
  • I love this recipe book! Haylie offers such unique and delicious recipes that I could easily make at home that my fiancé would enjoy. I would love to see her make a Vegetarian or a kid’s recipe book just to see what she could come up with. I’m a vegetarian so I couldn’t enjoy a lot of the dishes but my fiancé enjoyed it. The dressings are to die for!
  • What can I say? I like everything about this cookbook. I really hope she does another one. Her recipes are classy and casual, healthy and delicious. Haylie makes it easy to make food that is equally beautiful as it is tasty. If you love her show, you will love her cookbook even more. She's not a baker, so don't expect recipes for crazy pastries because that's just not her thing. You will however, find recipes for pretty much any occasion all wrapped up in a lovely recipe diary. I say diary because this is clearly more than just a simple cookbook, it is from her heart and it shows. Praise for Haylie Duff!
  • Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom. Yup. That’s all I have to say haha.
  • This book has made a huge difference in my 14 year old grand daughter's life. She was discouraged because she couldn't cook. Yesterday her elder brother said,"Hey, she's a really good cook." Friday she is planning to cook dinner for the family. Cuddled down in her room, she pours over The Real Girl's Kitchen, planning what to do next. Thanks Haylie.
  • I would recommend this book to someone who does not have a lot of time to cook or would like to impress their friends/family with some recipes. The recipes are simple (only a couple of ingredients) and they are quick to make. This book is very personal. There are points where it feels like diary. Haylie does this to explain the story behind each of her recipes. At first it was a bit too much but later I realized I enjoyed reading her stories. She is funny and her pictures are absolutely beautiful. The only downside is that some of the recipes are not too specific with measurements. Some will reach "a pinch of" or "a handful" which makes it tricky because everyone has different opinions on how much that is. Sometimes these measurements work out because I can season the food to my own taste or measure only what I will eat (for example, a handful of kale for a salad). Please consider purchasing this book! It is a beautiful book. Some of my recipes have come out delicious and beautiful which helps when cooking for someone else!
